AJKBISE Medical Technology Regular & Private Candidate Practical RollNo Slips HSSC P-II 1st Annual 2023 Download pdf Easy Steps

RolNumber Slip Easly and with simple Steps,To download the Medical Technology Regular privat Practical Roll No Slips for HSSC Part-II 1st Annual 2023

 In this Artical you can download your RolNumber Slip Easly and with simple Steps,To download the Medical Technology, Regular and private candidate, Practical Roll No Slips for HSSC Part-II 1st Annual 2023 exams from the AJK Mirpur Board's official website, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open a web browser

Launch any web browser on your computer or mobile device.

Step 2: Go to the official AJK Mirpur Board website

In the address bar of your web browser, type in the official website of the AJK Mirpur Board.Or you can download it's simpy by following article links are given below 

Step 3: Navigate to the Roll No Slips section

Once you are on the AJK Mirpur Board's official website, look for the "Roll No Slips" or "Downloads" section. It is usually located on the homepage or in the main navigation menu.

Step 4: Select the appropriate exam category

Within the Roll No Slips section, find the category that corresponds to your examination. In this case, select "HSSC Part-II 1st Annual 2023."

Step 5: Choose the "Medical Technology Practical" option

Look for the specific exam option related to "Medical Technology Practical" within the chosen category.

Step 6: Provide necessary information

Enter the required details such as your Roll Number, Registration Number, and any other information requested on the page. Make sure to provide accurate information to avoid any discrepancies.

Step 7: Submit the form

Once you have entered the necessary information, click on the "Submit" or "Download" button to proceed.

Step 8: Download and print the Roll No Slip

Download by clicking on specific Category 

After submitting the form, your Roll No Slip for the Medical Technology Practical exam will be generated. Download the slip and save it to your device. It is recommended to take a printout of the Roll No Slip for future reference and examination purposes.

Note: The above steps are general guidelines, and the actual process may vary slightly depending on the specific layout and design of the AJK Mirpur Board's website. If you encounter any difficulties or have specific queries, it is advisable to consult the official website or contact the AJK Mirpur Board directly for assistance.


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