Professional Development

Get Success through_Simple Techniques to Pass computational Exams

Effective Preparation Techniques for Computational Exams Success in computational exams conducted by esteemed organizations like NTS, PSC, and FPSC…

Teaching of Science at primary and secondary level

Discover how teaching Science with SLO's can Transform Primary and secondary  Education. Discover How teaching Science with SLO's can Transfo…

Some common skills for teacher to use spreadsheet.Addation,percentage,Grade

Computer Skills Excel is a popular spreadsheet software program developed and distributed by Microsoft. It's used to  produce, organize,  disse…

Teaching Portfolio:How to Constrict,Tips,Developing Effective Teaching Portfolio

Education Portfolios File management   Definition  In educational terms, a portfolio refers to a collection of student work that demonstrates their…

Lesson planning basic skills in Urdu

سبق   کی منصوبہ بندی کی بنیادی باتیں ۔   سبق کی منصوبہ بندی کیا ہے؟   _________________________________________ سبق کی منصوبہ بندی طلباء کے لیے سیک…

Education Problems in Pakistan

Education Problem's in Pakistan Education department problem in Pakistan Pakistan, a country with a population of over 220 million, has been st…

Importance of Lesson, review, concepts

Importance of Lesson Review  enhancing understanding, memory, and active learning engagement Overview about lesson planning You can understand it…
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